Advertising a city Week #10 Fourth Term 2020-2021

ADVERTISING A CITY 1. IMAGINE: YOU WORK AT THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND YOU HAVE TO PROMOTE A CITY IN YOUR COUNTRY WITH AN AD. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS: 1.- Choose a city or town you know very well. 2.- Describe some of the attractions in the city. 3.- Write an attractive title for the ad. (It can include an adjective + the name of the city you chose, a phrase or slogan.) 4.- Write complete sentences describing the city. 5.- You may include a map of the city with its attractions 2. YOU ARE READY TO WRITE YOUR AD! DO NOT FORGET TO USE SOME QUANTIFIERS, FOR EXAMPLE: MANY PARKS, LOTS OF MALLS, ETC. WRITE AN AD OF 50-60 WORDS. -YOU CAN FOLLOW THE FORMAT GIVEN BELOW AND THE EXAMPLE.